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January 1, 2005
Defense Department Plans Camp 6: Franz Kafka Surrenders
In the classic Kafka book 'The Trial', a man is charged with a crime, but the crime is so secret, that it cannot be revealed to him. So the man must attempt to present a defense, although he is never sure of what crime he has been charged. Even in his most compelling, paranoid, macabre novel, Kafka fell short of envisioning the machinery of Guantanamo Bay.
The Pentagon and the CIA have asked the White House to prepare prisons for lifetime imprisonment of people that have never been charged with any crimes. The Defense Department plans to build 'Camp 6' with your tax dollars to house hundreds of people in perpetuity, that will never have a trial, never speak to an attorney, and never be charged with a crime.
'That's OK.' You figure. 'They're terrorists, and I'm not a terrorist, so it doesn't affect me.' and you go back to your reality TV show while eating Doritos on the couch.
Who says you're not a terrorist? What's a terrorist? What about Eco-Terrorists? Do you own guns? Do you question the government? Do you drive an SUV? Remember, once you get tossed into these modern-day Con Son Island Tiger cages down in the Black Hole of Guantanamo Bay, you have no means to communicate with the outside world. There's no way to prove you're not a terrorist, once you're swallowed by Gitmo.
And just in case you need a little geography lesson, Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba, an island nation that your government won't even allow you to visit.
So you may want to hit pause on the Tivo and ask yourself - are you more afraid of a couple of muslims, or a government that's just been handed a license to erase people from the face of the earth?
Related Links:
Photos from Abu Ghraib - These photos seem relevant because, although no cameras are allowed inside Guantanamo Bay, these show U.S. soldiers actions against people 'presumed to be guilty', without the benefit of even a show trial.
Reuters: US Said to Mull Lifetime Terror-Suspect Detentions
Excerpt from 'The Trial' by Franz Kafka
Man Held For Four years on 'Secret Evidence'
Posted by Peenie Wallie on January 1, 2005 at 11:42 AM