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May 31, 2005
Add a Favicon to your website 
This explains how to make a custom icon appear in the browser bar before the URL. First, create a Favicon from a picture for free here. Then, save the image, named favicon.ico, into the root directory of your web page. Some browsers also need the following HTML added in the HTML Heading section:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico">
If it's working, it should look something like this:
If it's not working, you can test your Favicon here.
For some reason, mine works with Firefox, but not IE. There's a surprise. OK. Just found the solution here. Solution to make the favicon appear in IE is:
"Drag the generic favicon from the address bar in ie into an open area - don't let go, drag back to the address bar and the favicon will appear - it's a known glitch."
It's a known bug in IE. Are you surprised ;)
Technorati tags:
"> Delicious tags:
Folksonomy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share web pages.
" title="Furl">
" title="Spurl">
" title="Reddit">
&body=Add a Favicon to your website
" title="blinkbits">
" title="BlinkList">
" title="blogmarks">
" title="connotea">
;when_done=go_back" title="De.lirio.us">
&new_comment=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.peeniewallie.com&linktype=Misc" title="Fark">
" title="feedmelinks">
" title="LinkaGoGo">
&description=Add a Favicon to your website
" title="Ma.gnolia">
" title="NewsVine">
&description=Add a Favicon to your website
" title="Netvouz">
&description=Add a Favicon to your website
" title="scuttle">
" title="Shadows">
" title="Simpy">
" title="Smarking">
" title="TailRank">
" title="Wists">
" title="YahooMyWeb">
Posted by Peenie Wallie on May 31, 2005 at 06:50 PM
Spasiba, tovaritch.
This was useful for my site.
Question: Do you have to put the code in every HTML document on the site? Or can this be put in one root document to make the favorite icon appear for every web page on the site? Thanks.
Posted by: Sasha on November 18, 2005 at 10:24 AM