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May 16, 2005

Bayosphere - The Chrysopolis Chimera

Dan Gillmore has launched Bayosphere, which appears to be poised to fill a new niche. My take is that it will be a sort of a chimera between a blog and the MSM. The main stream media has been abysmally slow to understand the power of the blogosphere. The blogosphere is the most efficient fact-checking engine in the history of the world, and the MSM has been abysmally slow to grasp this. (Witness the fiasco at Newsweek where they falsely claimed interrogators desecrated the Koran by flushing it down a commode deep in the bowels of Gitmo, inciting riots across the globe resulting in over two dozen deaths.)

The MSM has been victimized by a ruthless thought consolidation that would make Goebbels drool with envy. The inexcusable capitulation of the FCC is the antithesis of agency capture, allowing conglomerates to gobble up the airwaves. The JOA's allowed the newspapers to further consolidate. Today, something like 85% of the radio, television, and newsprint in controlled by a handful of companies. Predictably, the result has been the glorification of the Democrats and the vilification of the Republicans.

Much of the blogosphere, although conservative, such as Instapundit and others, is not as interactive as it could be. Instapundit, which I love to read, is basically just one guy, deciding what he posts on his site, which links he likes, linking to views that agree with his, etc. Comments and trackbacks are not allowed. So, although I love Instapundit, and more often than not agree with Glenn Reynolds, it's not a replacement for the MSM, nor, I'm sure, is that the intent.

My hope is that the Bayosphere is stepping up to fill this gaping hole that exists between the MSM's one-way liberal mealy-mouth my-way-or-the-highway, here-it-comes-be-ready-when-it-hits-you news steamroller and the techno-pundit, the indefatigable gadfly that lives and breathes to rebut the fountain of lies spewing from the multifaceted spigots of the MSM. What would make the Bayosphere a success would be to have a truly diverse editorial staff that could tackle the issues facing Northern California today, with an open, honest, objective opinions. The way to do this would be to allow people to debate issues in an open comments forum. So, to make this venture successful, regular contributors and anonymous contributors would compete for space in this Brave New Blog. Honest, open debate should be allowed via comments and trackbacks underneath each article. Through this forum, the ideas presented would be debated on their own merit, not on some pre-approved list of palatable ideas to which the MSM is forced to kowtow in perpetuity.

I have no idea who this Dan Gillmore guy is, but if he wants to view the world like my friend Halsey Minor, perched out on Lands End, gazing out over China Beach, drinking in the view of the Golden Gate through floor to ceiling plate-glass windows, he'll have to bring a new view to the city. Not some politically correct soft copy of the San Francisco Fish Wrapper. He needs to bring a plethora of truly diverse opinions to his new venture, and give the citizens of this country the true freedom of the press they signed up for, not the licensed media of Citizen Kane, of which our founding fathers were so presciently wary.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on May 16, 2005 at 10:57 AM


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