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May 12, 2005
United States Swimming In Fear!
After 9/11, everyone seemed to be wondering why they didn't just blow the jets out of the sky with F16's or cruise missiles. The reason is that, if you took that approach, you'd kill WAY more innocent victims by shooting down errant passenger jets than the terrorists would kill. (Like in 1988 when the US Vincennes shot down a commercial airliner). So, although the terrorists do pose a potential threat to US citizens, our collective reaction to this negligble threat, becomes a very real threat both to our freedom and our saftey.
Yesterday was a classic example. A student pilot and his instructor in a tiny Cessna 150 strayed into the protected airspace over the mall in DC, and they're suddenly scrambling jets, shooting flares, and evacuating the White House and the Capitol. This is asinine. First of all, there are no freaking lines painted in the sky for a pilot flying VFR. Secondly, if the potential threat is a Cessna 150 aircraft, you're clearly safer inside the building. Finally, if you're that freaking paranoid, then why don't you build bunkers underground like the other dictators so that you don't have to live in fear of the citizens around you.
But, it isn't like this is a first. Does anyone remember September 11th, 1994? A lunatic deliberately crashed a Cessna 150 into the Whitehouse on that date, while the secret service ran for cover like so many shattered housewives. No one ever fired a shot at the plane as it crashed into the Whitehouse.
Anyone remember Mathias Rust? He deliberately piloted a Cessna 172 (larger than a 150) into the Soviet Union airspace and landed in Red Square intentionally. They held him in prison for 18 months while the United States called on them to release him for what was clearly an innocent prank. I wonder how our intrepid leaders of today would judge his actions?
My suggestion to our fearful leaders is this; we're all going to die someday. That much is sure. Why cower like dogs in fear for your days on this earth. If you really want to defeat the terrorists, walk outside and enjoy the Sunshine. Stop quaking in fear every time you hear the drone of a Cessna's engine.
The paranoia and fear betrayed by the massive overreaction of the Washington DC gestapo bears the hallmarks of a ruthless dictatorship. Think I'm wrong? Sit back and enjoy the ride. It's going to get bumpy from here.
Posted by Peenie Wallie on May 12, 2005 at 7:54 AM