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June 11, 2005

7-11 Employee fired for preventing robbery

According to David Kopel of the Volokh Conspiracy, when a 7-11 employee was threatened at gunpoint, they pulled their own gun and held the would-be robber at bay until police arrived and arrested the criminal. As a result, 7-11 fired the employee. Fortunately, in Feliciano v. 7-Eleven, the West Virginia Supreme Court ruled that the employee had a right to self defense, which trumped the company's policy of not intervening to stop a robbery.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on June 11, 2005 at 05:47 PM


when a 7-11 employee was threatened at gunpoint, they pulled their own gun and held the would-be robber at bay

Actually, the "employee had not used their own firearm, but had jumped and disarmed the robber, and used the robber's gun to them until police arrived."

When Kopel wrote "Feliciano grabbed her gun," he's writing about the robber's gun; the robber was a woman. Antonio Feliciano (the clerk) is a male. Granted, that paragraph should have made it more clear; I was thinking the same thing until I read about it on another blog.

Back during my brief stint as a 7-Eleven night clerk many years ago, there was a sign in the back room about dealing with robberies. It said something like "Do not bring a gun to work. The robber's gun is already one gun too many," or some crap like that.

Posted by: Robert on June 12, 2005 at 07:55 PM

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