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June 30, 2005

Cracking DC's Gun Ban

Alphecca, a "gay gun nut in Vermont" with "opinions about all sorts of stuff he knows nothing about" is quoting a story from Reuters about a crack in DC's rigid gun control laws. This is something that he seems to know something about, however. DC's strict gun ban are in direct violation of the 2nd amendment.

Currently, rifles and shotguns and handguns registered before the 1976 ban may be kept in District homes only if they are unloaded, disassembled and stored in a locked cabinet.

Indiana Republican Rep. Mark Souder submitted a bill to the House of Representatives that would roll back the handgun ban and registration requirements for ammunition and would decriminalize possession of unregistered weapons. Souder argued that weapons that are disassembled, unloaded, and locked, are useless for self-defense. His amendment prohibits the city from enforcing this law with federal funds.

"I believe the constitutional right to bear arms supersedes local authority," Souder said in favor of his amendment. This statement is intuitively obvious to the casual observer. If the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights can be supercede by local authority, then they are meaningless. If a county or municipality can rule agains free speech, right to bear arms, or right to peacably assemble, then these rights are meaningless and the entire constitution is a farce. Obviously, our founding fathers meant that the Bill of Rights enumerated very basic fundamental rights of the citizens. I won't even go into the 9th amendment and how SCOTUS has eviscerated that amendment.

His bill passed today by a margin of 259 to 161. Now, on to the senate. :)

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on June 30, 2005 at 10:31 PM


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