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July 19, 2005

Ebonics - The linguistic shackles of San Bernardino

The mental dwarfs of Oakland laid an egg in 1996 when they unleashed the specter of Ebonics on the world. Now, nearly a decade later, the nimrods at San Bernardino City Unified School District, ever anxious to placate the masses, have decided to incorporate Ebonics into a new school policy that targets black students.

"Ebonics is a different language, it's not slang as many believe," Texeira said. "For many of these students Ebonics is their language, and it should be considered a foreign language. These students should be taught like other students who speak a foreign language."

Uhlowin blaks ta speek Ebonics do not be the bess solusun. It be's only serve ta ferther isholate dem from the private sektur. Wud u wana hIr sumon dat kaint rede or rite kurectly? Den u kin see whi dis bees a bad id.

However well-intended their actions, the school board has made a critical mistake in formalizing Ebonics into a curriculum. Ebonics is/are/be the linguistic shackles of a new generation of slaves, shunting anguished pupils into the servitude of minimum wage careers.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on July 19, 2005 at 09:44 AM


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