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July 19, 2005
Iraqi Bill of Rights creates a socialist dystopia in the desert
A draft copy of the Iraqi Bill of Rights has been leaked and translated into English. Unfortunately, after reviewing it in its entirety, I can safely say that this regime will fail, and fail miserably, for a variety of reasons. This "Bill of Rights" is a blueprint for a "cradle-to-grave" socialist regime that would make Hillary Rodham salivate with envy. Under this charter, the government is responsible for economic growth, education, and providing security to a disarmed, emasculated population.
In place of our 2nd amendment, they get this watered-down mumbo-jumbo:
"Article 23, Clause 3 - Citizens may not own, bear, buy, or sell weapons, except by a permit issued in accordance with law."
It's basically what our constitution would look like if you handed a blank sheet of paper to a bunch of weak-kneed Democrats like Hillary Rodham, Ted Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, Diane Feinstein, and Robert Byrd, and asked them to draw up a new Constitution and Bill of Rights. It's a recipe for a socialist regime. A dystopian society doomed to fail.
Posted by Peenie Wallie on July 19, 2005 at 5:05 PM