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July 31, 2005

The truth about the neighbors

I’ve been on the road for years, and, when I took a normal 9-5 job in March of this year, I was looking forward to coming home and spending the summer drinking around campfires with the neighbors. But they throw their parties and don’t invite me. It wouldn’t be so bad if I couldn’t hear them. But, it’s summer, and no one has air conditioners up here at 7,500 feet above sea level. So I have the windows open, and you hear them all laughing over there.

I like all of my neighbors. Never said a bad word about any of them. Love them all for who they are, and like spending time with them. But the feeling is apparently not reciprocal. They've done it before and I've told them before how I feel, but it doesn't seem to matter.

I guess I'm not sure I blame them. I used to run my ATV and my weasels all over everyone's property. I stopped that. No one said anything, but I think they were in fear for their lives or they hated me or something like that.

I was dating this complete psycho, and I finally cut her loose. I'm pretty well armed, but you know how women can put the fear in you if you've ever dumped a raving lunatic that goes from laugh to crying in a single sentence. So, I've been just kinda coming home and locking the doors at night.

It’s hard to know what to do when you’re not invited to a party. Maybe, they invited me and I forgot. Maybe they assumed I would just wander over. Maybe…who knows. Finally, I figure I can either sit here, listening to them laugh and having a great time, or I can just go over, assuming that they expected me to wander over, and make the best of it.

So, I don't have a whole lot going on and, eventually, I swallow my pride and walk over. But it’s weird. What do you say? “Hey. What’s up?” I feel awkward. I don’t know how they feel. But, you kind of figure that, on some level, they don’t want you there or they’d have invited you. Maybe I need to take them some disinvitation cards so they can mail them to me next time to remove any doubt about my status.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on July 31, 2005 at 09:23 PM


Hi Rob, I know your friend you refer to as "The Psycho," and I read your confused jumble of paranoid ramblings and politically incorrect diatribes in regards to her. Hm..

Nice website!

Posted by: Elizabeth on August 03, 2005 at 01:56 PM

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