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August 2, 2005
Jihad Jane - The Age of Treason
Hanoi Jane is at it again. Not content with her treasonous actions during the Vietnam War, Jane Fonda is now taking her show on the road with a bus tour to protest our involvement in the Iraq war. Michelle Malkin reports that TigerHawk likes Jihad Jane better than Hanoi Jane. Fonda was infamous for visting North Vietnam during Vietnam War and posing on the seat of a Russian anti-aircraft gun. Well, it looks like the soldiers in Tikrit, Iraq are holding her "regular seat" for her. (Hat Tip: The Donovan)
Update: Welcome Instapundit viewers!
Posted by Peenie Wallie on August 2, 2005 at 7:21 AM
Perhaps Jihad Jane needs to hike it on over to the blog,Cutler's Yankee Station, and check out "Friends in Low Places."
Posted by: PC on August 2, 2005 at 5:53 PM
Maybe she'll repeat her Viet Nam performance of sitting in at an NVA AA gun site, but this time, it will be one of the cars used by the "insurgents" for suicide bombings....And it goes off..
Posted by: NotFondaJane on August 2, 2005 at 6:31 PM
I think it would be more appropriate for Jihad Jane to be seated in "old sparky".
Posted by: RA on August 4, 2005 at 11:12 AM
She might want to try "old sparky", after all she has always loved special seats...
Posted by: Daver on August 4, 2005 at 12:05 PM
Can I ask you all something?
Why are you all so mad that someone is exercising their rights to free speech?
If someone - like Jane Fonda - wants to make an ass out of themselves, that is her right. Don't you think it is kinda wrong to tell someone to shut up and when our brave men and women are in Iraq defending us and our way of life?
You guys can't have it both ways. I am as sick of the anti-war left as you guys. But come on, she is exercising First Amendment rights - which, makes her look like a damn fool. But again, that is her right. We ought o just watch her make an ass out of herself.....because no where in the First Amendment is there a clause that says "Speech that makes an ass out of you is prohibited"
Posted by: Iranian Ajax on November 16, 2007 at 12:21 PM