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August 12, 2005

Pensacola Beach

I was shocked when I drove out to Pensacola Beach today. I knew they'd been hit by Hurricane Ivan last year, and then again by Hurricane Dennis this year, I just didn't realize how badly Santa Rosa Island was hammered. Basically, it looks like Hiroshima in September of 1945, or the city of Nanking, China after the Japanese raped it in 1937. OK, so I'm exaggerating a little, but it's bad.

Like, pretty much every sign is bent or broken. Most of the homes on the island were seriously damaged or demolished. They've been plagued by a shortage of pretty much everything, from electricity to gas to plywood. The toll road onto Pensacola Beach has been opened and the toll has been suspended.

A gas station on the beach where I filled up yesterday had a sign that read "We now have gas", which kind of gives you some insight into how bad things have been.

The sides of the roads are all piled high with debris from the storm. Decks, trees, and various random detritus from some vicious hurricanes. The odd thing is that there doesn't appear to be much construction going on. Just a lot of roofs covered with blue tarps, boarded up windows, and houses conspicuously missing walls.

Front end loaders scurry reluctantly down the soft sand shoulders. But people are either waiting on checks from their insurance company, or trying to decide if they'll rebuild at all, I guess. It's a big mess out there.

The Flora-Bama was severely damaged, as was Peg Leg Pete's and Bamboo Willies. The 7-11 I used to get slurpees at is basically demolished. The two beach cottages where I spent my summers growing up are both total losses and will probably be razed.

I'll post some of my photos when I get a chance. In the mean time, here are some links to photos of Pensacola Beach after Hurricane Ivan(04) and Hurricane Dennis(05).

Hurricane Ivan aerial photos

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on August 12, 2005 at 10:59 PM


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