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August 12, 2005

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill

There's a movie playing here locally in Gulf Breeze, Florida called The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. Apparently, some guy out in San Francisco discovered a ferral colony of parrots living on or near Telegraph Hill, and spent some time feeding them, studying them, and subsequently wrote a book about the birds and his quest for meaning in life. The book has apparently been made into a movie, and I don't know jack about it, but it got 3 stars out of 4 in the Pensacola News Journal.

The true story of a Bohemian St. Francis and his relationship with a flock of wild parrots. Mark Bittner, a former street musician in San Francisco, fallis in with the flock as he searches for meaning in his life.

I didn't know there were wild parrots in San Francisco, but there were countless wild parrots in Austin. It was cool to see them flying around, as their plumage is somewhat brighter than your average sparrow. If anyone has seen this movie, please post comments.
Update: You can download the movie trailer here.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on August 12, 2005 at 09:53 PM


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