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September 08, 2005

ATF and Police persecute and intimidate gun owners

The freaking power-nazis are at it again. Spying on U.S. citizens, denying them their constitutional rights. Harassing, persecuting, and intimidating citizens guilty of nothing more than exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. The media, of course, is conspicuously silent on this story, and any other stories of the same vein. Their silence betrays that the Main Stream Media(MSM) wants to disarm the country.

While people were waiting for the "instant background check" to complete, uniformed Virginia officers went to their homes and asked their wives and family members if they knew the home owner was purchasing a gun. They went to their neighbors houses and asked the same questions. If this doesn't scare you, it should.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on September 08, 2005 at 03:31 PM


Virginia officers went to their homes and asked their wives and family members if they knew the home owner was purchasing a gun. They went to their neighbors houses and asked the same questions.

The ACLU is not be protecting the privacy rights of these people when they excercise a right that is explicitly enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

But they will fight for the right of young girls to be taken across state lines to have an abortion without having to notify their parents (much less get their permission). While the pros and cons of abortion rights can (and have been) debated endlessly, it is not explicitly mentioned in the constitution.

I would think that the right to privacy for an adult to excercise his second amendment rights is at least as great as that of a minor to cross state lines to get a medical procedure without her parents' knowledge.

But what do I know?

Posted by: Robert on September 09, 2005 at 10:21 AM

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