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September 11, 2005

Moonlight Backcountry Drive Ends With Jeep Dangling From Cliff

This genius in Leadville, CO, went off roading alone, at night, on the continental divide after drinking and taking pain killers. Apparently, he passed out and when he “came to”, he was tumbling down the face of the divide in his Jeep. The Jeep came to a rest, suspended over a 200 foot drop, with the rear wheel snagged by a pine tree "the diameter of a coke can".

"If a fly came along and he landed hard, he probably would have knocked (the Jeep) down the mountain".

Classic. He’s lucky to be alive. I don’t have a photo from this accident yet, but the continental divide is a brutal and unforgiving stage. As demonstrated by the following photos:

Webster Pass-Red Cone

Gibson Lake

Ouray-Black Bear Pass

Middle Fork of Swan River-Wiseman's Cabin

Moffat Tunnel-Corona Pass Road

St. Mary's Glacier

Just for the record, this my ATV caught in the Charlie Brown-sized tree. I wasn't drinking or on pain killers though. I mistakenly believed I was ascending a hill I had climbed before, but I was about 100 yards West of where I thought I was. I was lucky...it only rolled once. The tree that stopped my ATV was about the diameter of a half-dollar.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on September 11, 2005 at 12:09 AM


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