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October 30, 2005

Hiding the Mouse Pointer

So, as I'm trying to string together my slideshows, I've finally succeeded in cobbling together a didactic string of commands that runs under DOS, lurching from slideshow to slideshow like a drunken sailor in Amsterdam. Each slideshow is launched, a timer is started and then the slideshow is killed unceremoniously. The only problem that I'm having now is that the stupid mouse pointer appears in the center of each slideshow and remains there in perpetuity. So, I searched the web for some solutions. Basically, I just wanted to hide the mouse pointer after a brief period of inactivity. Or hide it with a command from DOS. Sorry. Can't be done. Oh, there are some interrupts that the 8086 CPU recognizes, but I didn't feel like writing a program just to hide the stupid pointer. Finally, after a bit of searching, I found a little gem called Cursor Hider 1.4.3. Not only does it hide the curor when you're typing (this is a standard option in XP), but it also allows you to hide the cursor after a specified number of seconds of inactivity. So I now have a new little TSR on my taskbar. Welcome to the club, Cursor Hider.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on October 30, 2005 at 11:05 AM


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