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November 03, 2005

All Alito - All The Way

Normally, any time they appoint a new Supreme Court Justice, all you hear about is what church they go to and what their stance is on abortion. Those aren't really my hot buttons. How those got to be litmus tests is a mystery to me. All I really want to know about is will they let me keep my guns? As in, how do they feel about the 2nd Amendment?

Well, in Samuel Alito, Jr., we have a winner. He's argued that congress has no right to regulate the private possession of machine guns. Yes! Somone who finally understands that the government was never chartered with regulating the posession of firearms in the hands of private citizens.

This is from the Gun Owners of America(GOA), courtesy of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners(RMGO):


GOA wants to thank all of you who contacted the President recently and suggested that he appoint a strong constitutionalist like Samuel Alito, Jr., to the Supreme Court.

As you know, Judge Alito (from the Third Circuit) has a strong record in support of the Constitution. Gun Owners Foundation was involved in the Rybar machine gun case which we ultimately lost in the courts.
But Judge Alito offered a strong dissenting opinion to the majority report and argued that Congress has no right to regulate the private possession of machine guns.

The nomination of Alito is going to drive the other side crazy. Good. Judge Alito is a tremendous choice, and GOA will be asking you in the future to lobby your two U.S. Senators in favor of this pick.

In the meantime, thank the President for making such a good choice. And thank him for bypassing, once again, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as a pick for the Supreme Court.

Go Alito, go! Those liberals will be foaming at the mouth when Alito is confirmed and he sends the left coast gun control nuts packing.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on November 03, 2005 at 10:11 PM


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