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March 12, 2006
Learning PHP
I spent all weekend screwing around with some simple PHP scripts. I finally got some of the statetments working correctly, but I'm far short of being able to do what I want to do with it. So, I decided, what the h3ll...I'll actually study the language some isntead of just guess at it. I'm using this free PHP tutorial.
The problem with PHP, is that some bithead wrote it in his basement. By that, I mean that no one with any sense was involved in it's development. It is a geek's language that allows for all these little cryptic shortcuts, so that you have to be a genius to read anyone else's code. For instance:
"x++" is a shortcut that adds 1 to x. This is absurd. Correct format should be "Let x = x + 1".
"x++" is a shortcut that subtracts 1 from x. This is absurd. Correct format should be "Let x = x - 1".
"x+=y" is geek for "Let x = x + y".
"x*=y" is geek for "Let x = x * y"
"If x == 3" this is ridiculuous. For some reason, they use 2 equal signs instead of 1 for comparisons.
"if x ===y" this is just bizarre. They use 3 equal signs to compare values and type. Stupid.
Funny how the languages actually seem to be regressing. I'd rather code in assembly language with a hex editor than wade through someone's indecipherable PHP scripts.
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Posted by Peenie Wallie on March 12, 2006 at 09:46 PM