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May 24, 2006
Postmodern Generator and the Dada Engine
Just when I thought that I had the trackback spam blocked, they started spamming my comments. I'll have to come up with something to block the comment spam. There are a few options I have at my disposal, but I'd like to focus for a second on how creative these people are. They're using something called the "Postmodern Generator" with the "Dada Engine" to randomly generate seemingly valid, coherent text comments.
I only know this because one of the comments said:
What do you think? Not bad, considering it was randomly generated by the Postmodern generator using the Dada Engine
So, i've actually heard of this software before. But it is fairly impressive how advanced the technology has become. Go here to see a randomly generated essay. If someone didn't tell you this was randomly generated by a computer, it would take you some time to figure it out, I would think.
Posted by Peenie Wallie on May 24, 2006 at 10:06 AM