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October 14, 2006

Print On Demand and Self Publishing

If you've heard of the Blurb Inc.'s new self-publishing software called Booksmart, you know that the age of self-publishing single-copy print-on-demand for the masses is truly right around the corner. And, if you've ever spent an afternoon swearing, in a futile attempt to force their obtuse application to actually produce anything resembling a book, you know that it's not here yet. This application is a near miss. It's a great idea, implemented with a buggy alpha-release P.O.S. software application. They should be ashamed to foist this piece of garbage on people.

Basically, they're trying to write a new desktop publishing application from the ground up. So, possibly they can be excused for not hitting a home run right off the bat. But then, on the other hand, why not just set up their site to accept various formats already available (i.e. .doc, .pdf, .odf, etc.).

So, I'm now looking at other options than this mind-numbingly awkward Booksmart boondoggle.

This site compares some of the print-on-demand operations currently in business:

This site seems to offer some good information about self publishing, print-on-demand publishing, and the vanity press. They recommend reading "Writer's Market" and "Writer's Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents."

Here, he talks about the most cost-efficient size of book publishing.

Weekly Reader - Iuniverse

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on October 14, 2006 at 12:43 PM


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