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March 25, 2007
NYPD Spying on Innocent Citizens for Years
So, it looks like the NYPD has been spying on honest citizens that are trying to actively and legally participate in the political process. The NYPD has been secretly infiltrating political meetings in the U.S. and Canada and God only knows where else.
Oh, and the odds are better than 1 in a 1,000 that you're already on the government's Terrorist Identites Datamart Environment(TIDE).
They should really take a clue from Cuba. In Cuba, you are free to go to any meeting you like. But there's a guy with a smart little hat and a whistle from the Ministerio del Interior standing at the door taking names. This link to Cuba claims that they fire or imprison "prisoners of conscience". However, in my research, this is not what I have found to be the standard protocol. It costs money to have people a) not working or b) in prison. What they do instead is sentence them to cut sugar cane in the fields with a machete. Trust me. I'd take prison any day over cutting fields of cane by hand in a bilstering cauldron of 2nd world poverty.
Posted by Rob Kiser on March 25, 2007 at 6:42 PM