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June 09, 2007

Camp Daddy - Day 7

Today we went to Nashville Shores. It was fun, but the lines for all of the water slides are way too long. I probably wouldn't go back. Like, not only are the lines too long, but no one cares. Just a bunch of stoned kids running the place. They only let one perosn go down the slides at a time, and they have to exit the slide completely before the next one can start down. So, the lines are just mind-numbingly long. Plus, there's a lot of gross fat nastly people there. Immigrants. You name it. Not the place you want to be hanging out, really. But, I'm glad we went, cause I'd never been there and I'm all about checking out new places.

I've been bugging the crap out of Tim's Ford Motor Sports. I call them about eleventeen times a day "Is my SeaDoo fixed yet? Huh? Is it? Huh?" They're always like "We'll call you when it's fixed, Dr. Kiser." But it's still not fixed. Argh.

My buddy BK came in second in the Turtle Race today at Daddy Billy's. So, he got $50 for winning, I think. He cause the turtle with a net out of the Duck River. So, I was glad to see that he had won. He's a cook at Fast Jack's, and he burned Jen's Grilled Cheese tonight, but made her another one. He's a good guy.

She has to fly back tomorrow, so that sucks cause I'm really going to miss her. But, I'll see her next weekend in Colorado, and I promised to take her camping and trout fishing. .

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Posted by Rob Kiser on June 09, 2007 at 09:57 PM


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