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June 16, 2007

Swisher Trailcutter

So, I finally broke down and ordered a Swisher Trailmower — 44in. Cutting Width, 11.5 HP, Model# T11544. It's been raining up here like crazy, and I really just can't get across my property any more. It's seriously like going on a safari. So, I need to be able to whack the grass back, and I decided that a "finishing mower" probably isn't what I need. I want to try this "trailmower" to see if it will work. If it doesn't do what I want, then I'll sell it and get something different. But, it's too grown up back there, and I can't find anyone that mows up in the mountains anyway.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on June 16, 2007 at 12:51 PM


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