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October 30, 2007
Bogen - Manfrotto 3265 Grip Action Ball Head with Quick Release

This is the pistol grip I've used on my camera tripod since I bought my Canon EOS 20D in November of 2004. Shortly afterwards, I bought an aluminum tripod and the 3265 pistol grip. Both are manufactured by Bogen in Italy, and distributed by Manfrotto.
The pistol grip worked faily well, until I got the Canon 100 - 300mm lens, and over time, the resisance of the ball joint in the pistol grip has weakened to the point that the pistol grip is nearly useless. It just slips and slides all the time, even when it's supposed to be locked into position. So, it's time to repair or replace the 3265 pistol grip.
I read some product reviews of the 3265 though, and it seems to be a fairly common complaint that the 3265 wears out over time, and won't hold the camera in position very well.
Then I found a site which shows how to repair the Bogen-Manfrotto 3265 unit.
After spending about 2 hours, tearing down, disassembling, cleaning, and re-assembling th 3265, it still functions about the same. There's not enough friction between the ball head and the surfaces rubbing against the head to generate enough resistance to slipping. Camera still gyrates and slips when it should be holding still.
Also, if you decided to tear yours down, be VERY careful with the spring or you'll lose an eye or two.
Update: Here is a review of the professional ball-heads out there on the market which would probably support my 300mm lens with the EOS 40D frame.
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Posted by Rob Kiser on October 30, 2007 at 10:36 AM
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What model of tripod are you using?
Posted by: Robert R. on November 05, 2007 at 04:01 PM
I had the same problem on a couple of my bogen manfrotto 3265 ball heads. They just kept slipping. This photographer repaired them and they work better than new. They grip excellent,no problem. price was very reasonable.you can contact him at greggmoranphotographer@hotmail.com
Posted by: sonny on March 31, 2008 at 11:23 AM