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October 22, 2007
Snow Sleds

I'm trying to find a new sled for the neighborhood tikes. Jennifer and Allie have gotten to the point where they can't both ride the same sled any more, and so now they have to take turns getting pulled behind the four wheeler, which means I have to spend twice as much time in the saddle. Plus, I managed to run over the sled with the Tahoe last season, so I decided that we need to see what our options are.
First of all, I don't want some flimsly sled, because they are basically sitting on the ground. So, if you go over a log or a rock, it could break a bone or three. And I don't want that.
Their current sled is a Rubbermaid sled. Not real sure what the model number is, but I called Rubbermaid at Janet informed me that they got out of the sled manufacturing business in 1999. I like the sled we have because iit is hollow, and keeps them a few inches off the ground. So, if we do go over an obstacle, the sled acts like a shock absorber, and can, in theory, give them a smoother, safer ride.
The sled we currently have can't be steered and it has no brakes, but since we tow it behind the four wheeler, this isn't a huge consideration. What they need to be towed behind the four wheeler is a low center of gravity, strong arms, and a big set of kahunas.
The problem is that, if you walk into WalMart, they really don't have any decent sleds. Just really cheap ones for poor people. I'm looking for the "I-don't-care-how-much-it-is-FedEx-it-to-me-from-Europe" sleds. And, surprisingly, there aren't as many sled designs available as one might initially guess, probably due to lawsuits.
This website has a lot of sleds listed, but only one photo of each sled.
I kind of like the look of the SnoTaxi and the SnoFormel and the Snomo Family.
This web site advertises the following sleds: Stiga Snow Racer Grand Prix, Stiga Snow Runner Classic, Hamax SnoTaxi, Hamax SnoJet, Hamax SnoFormel. But, it's in Norwegian, not English. So, that makes it tough.
In the end, I just decided to buy some more of the same Rubbermaid sleds, so that I have a spare or two in case I run over them again. I found some used ones and had them shipped to me at great expense.
Also, a legal disclaimer here - I recommend not pulling children on sleds behind ATV's. It's extremely dangerous. The kids can't steer the sleds, and no amount of braking on a sled will stop an ATV. When you're going downhill, the kids may pass you. Remember that the kids tend to drift toward the oustide of the turns, so keep this in mind and watch for trees, clothes lines, dogs, other children, cars, etc. Again, if you do this, and kill someone, don't blame me. You were warned.
Posted by Rob Kiser on October 22, 2007 at 10:17 AM