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December 18, 2007
Killing Strangers

Tonight, I finally finishing writing, editing, and publishing my first book. “Killing Strangers� is a collection of short stories I wrote on the road. These tales are a first-person adrenaline ride from the Hawaiian Islands to the Bahamas. From the Rockies to the Andes. From the desert to the jungle. “Killing Strangers� is something like “On The Road� meets “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas�.
The stories include:
- Accidents and incidents with motorcycles, ATV's, 4x4's, trains, ambulances, planes, boats, cruise ships, a SeaDoo, a DUKW, and a helicopter.
- Women and witches and beggars and whores.
- Drugs and alcohol and frantic calls to 911.
- Pistols and shotguns and blood and a prison.
- Passports and oceans and envelopes full of cash.
- Gambling and hurricanes and missing millionaires.
- Guinea pigs and lobsters and wild pigs and sharks.
- Confrontations with the law at home and abroad.
These are all original short stories. Most of them were written since September of 2006. There’s a few older stories I threw in at the end just to make sure that no one felt cheated for shelling out $14.95.
Hunter S. Thompson said of “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas� that you’d have to be a fool to write a story about breaking the law and then come out and say the story was true. These stories are presented under that same premise. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)
I don’t seriously mean to compare myself as an author to Hunter S. Thompson or Jack Kerouac. That would be absurd and misleading. However, last time I checked, both of those guys were dead, so pick up a copy of “Killing Strangers� and take it for a test drive. If you like reading it half as much as I liked writing it, then you're in for a treat.
I've poured hundreds of hours into writing, editing, and publishing this 98,000 word, 249 page, 6" X 9" paperback. The book costs $14.95, of which I get exactly $4.35. All proceeds go to Jennifer's college fund. You can order your own First Edition copy of “Killing Strangers�, just in time for Christmas. (If you hurry. I think. Maybe. I can't promise anything. It's out of my hands at this point.)
If you want a signed copy, then bring it by and I'll be glad to sign it. Or, if you want me to mail you a signed copy, I'm sure I can work that out too, although I anticipate that I'll be very busy these next few days as my fame spreads around the globe and the money starts pouring in. ;)
Merry Christmas,
Rob Kiser
Posted by Rob Kiser on December 18, 2007 at 10:51 PM
Congratulations! My order is in.
Posted by: sl on December 19, 2007 at 9:14 AM
I have purchased your book for my wife, your cousin, Lisa Sutton. When it arrives I would very much like you to sign it and present it to her for her birthday Feb 12th, if I can hold off that long. Congratulations on the book. I am looking forward to reading it.
Posted by: mike on December 22, 2007 at 7:22 PM
OK. Roger that. I tell you what. Just hang onto that one and I'll mail you a signed one. Take the extra one and give it to someone in the office. Spread the word. :)
Rob Kiser
Posted by: Rob Kiser on December 22, 2007 at 10:47 PM