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December 16, 2007
The Advantages of Upgrading From Vista To XP
"Well, here there appears to be no contest. Windows XP is both faster and far more responsive. I no longer have the obligatory 1-minute system lock that happens whenever I log onto Vista, instead I can run applications as soon as I can click their icons. Not only that, but the applications start snappily too, rather than all waiting in some "I'm still starting up the OS" queue for 30 seconds or so before all starting at once. In addition, I have noticed that when performing complex tasks such as viewing large images, or updating large spreadsheets, instead of the whole operating system locking down for several seconds, it now just locks down the application I am working on, allowing me to
Alt-Tab to another application and work on that. I am thrilled that Microsoft decided to add preemptive multitasking to their operating system, and for this reason alone I would strongly urge you to upgrade to XP. With the amount of multi-core processors around today using a multitasking operating system like XP makes a world of difference."
The benefits of upgrading from Vista to XP. Classic! I love it.
Posted by Rob Kiser on December 16, 2007 at 11:19 AM
Forget Windows XP.
Upgrade to Mac OS X.
Posted by: Robert R. on December 17, 2007 at 7:07 AM