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January 27, 2008
Oh My God
Oh my God. If this doesn't make you vote against Hillary Clinton, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote. Seriously. This nutroots liberal is basically a communist. Listen to this drivel. In the words of one brainless interviewee on this video, "Here go the facts..."
"My mom's gonna open up the Congressional Health Plan...No one would be allowed to be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition and every plan would cover mental health. She would cap the monthly premiums at a percentage of your income. She is really committed to everyone getting insured." - Chelsea Clinton
So, think about this. This is nothing short of socialized healthcare. It's the failed HillaryCare welfare all over again. "No one would be allowed to be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition" and they will "cap the monthly premiums at a percentage of your income". Then why on earth would you ever get insurance? You'd be a fool to pay for insurance. Just wait until you get diagnosed with cancer and then quit your job and walk into the Emergency Room and say "Fix Me". And, of course, these people are so stupid that they're all nodding their heads like it's a great idea. Well, yeah. Communism has always been an easy sell to the lower class, hasn't it?
This makes me want to repeal the 19th amendment today.

Posted by Rob Kiser on January 27, 2008 at 5:05 AM