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February 08, 2008

Goodnight Moon - The Sequel


"Now that the book is a family favorite, we were excited to see that a new Margaret Wise Brown story, The Moon Shines Down, is about the see the light of day.

Thomas Nelson acquired Brown's manuscript, which was found among a "sheaf of yellow pages held together by paper clips" in her sister's attic, according to Publishers Weekly. The picture book, with Clement Hurd-style illustrations by Linda Bleck, will be available in November of this year."

I'm glad to see that there's a sequel coming out to Goodnight Moon. I just hope that they don't censor it like they censored Goodnight Moon.

Update: O'Brien posted that "Clement Hurd[the illustrator of Goodnight Moon] was always pictured without his cigarette."

This is not the case. HaperCollins digitially manipulated the image of Clement Hurd by removing the cigarette from his right hand.

"The photograph of Hurd published in the book for years showed him with a cigarette in his right hand, but in new copies brought out recently by HarperCollins Publishers, the cigarette has been digitally removed."
"The company defends the altered photo. Kate Morgan Jackson, editor-in-chief for HarperCollins Children’s Books, said the company contends the issue is about smoking.

"One of our responsibilities is to make sure we are publishing" the book "the right way throughout the ages and making it healthy for every generation," she said."

Hopefully, this should clear things up a bit.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on February 08, 2008 at 08:13 PM

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Clement Hurd was always pictured without his cigarette.

Posted by: O'Brien on February 09, 2008 at 06:01 AM

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