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February 13, 2008

More Fun With ISBN's

So, I finally figured out that, although I was assigned an ISBN number, I had never registered the ISBN with R.R. Bowker LLC. So, I attempted to register my ISBN. This site wants an ID and password, which I don't have. So, I clicked on "New User? Click here to register." I put in my publisher name (Peenie Wallie Press) and hit Search and voila. It found "Peenie Wallie Press". I filled out the required information, and they emailed me an ID and Password I would need to use the system to register the ISBN. Although I received an email from them with my ID/Password almost immediately, it didn't work for about 3 days or so.

Today, I was finally able to sign in and register my ISBN. Basically, what you do is tell them the title of the book, the price, a description, availability, assign a category to the book, etc. You can also specify the book dimensions, weight, etc. So, finally, after I registered the ISBN, I understood what I was doing. Initially, I purchased a single ISBN number. All this means is a) I'm a publisher and b) I have published a book (or am planning on publishing a book). Later, you have to tell them what the book title is, how much it costs, etc. So, in theory, someone could search for my book, and if they want to order copies of the book, they contact the publisher based on the information in Books In Print.

I saved the transaction and the transaction is now in a status of "Pending". Presumably, it will be processed in a day or three. Then, I'll be able to upload a book cover once the transaction processes successfully. Also, presumably, I'll be able to search for my book title. (I think this search link only works if you're signed in as a publisher.)

Then, my assumption is that the data will roll out to other databases, like the Amazon database and the Border's Books database. Lord this has been a slow and tedious learning process. :)

Update: As of last night, the status was no longer "Pending", but I couldn't search on the title. This morning, when I search for the title, it shows up. So, I can find my book by searching on "Killing Strangers" at Bowker if I'm signed in as a publisher. But I still have not found a free online searchable version of Books In Print.

Well, there's www.booksinprint.com, which they have apparently set up, but you have to be a subscriber/member to sign in and use it. So, now I'm getting the picture. Bowker has a monopoly on assigning ISBN numbers in the U.S. They sell the ISBN numbers, and then you register the title with them. They then market this information as "Books In Print" in book format or online at their www.booksinprint.com website. They have no incentive to release the data for free. They're a monopoly. What I'm less clear about is how this data makes it's way to other companies, like Amazon, etc. I searched on Amazon and Powell's books and my ISBN does not show up there.


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Posted by Rob Kiser on February 13, 2008 at 07:54 PM

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