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March 12, 2008
Eliot Spitzer's Whore

Eliot Spitzer's whore.
Posted by Rob Kiser on March 12, 2008 at 8:01 PM
Now, that's not entirely accurate. The possessive might be construed to imply that she solely belonged to Spitzer, in which case she'd be more likely to be called his kept mistress. It's quite likely that she was used by many men, in which case a more accurate descriptor would be "The whore Eliot Spitzer used" or "The whore of which Eliot Spitzer partook". You're an author, I fully expect concise wording from you.
Posted by: Alice H on March 16, 2008 at 4:42 PM
This is a fair point. She's more like a time-share setup. At $1,000.00 an hour, even Eliot Spitzer could probably only afford her a few hours at a time.
Posted by: Rob Kiser on March 16, 2008 at 5:22 PM