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March 10, 2008
Leading Philanderers Agree
New York governor Eliot Spitzer supports giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants and cheats on his wife with prostitutes while he's in the nation's capital. Who does he endorse for president? Hillary Rodham Clinton, of course. Who else? Some people are claiming that she's removed any reference to Eliot Spitzer from her web site. I'm not sure if that's true or not, though it would not surprise me. She officially received the endorsement of Eliot Spitzer on Monday May 14th, 2007. I dug around in the Wayback Machine and managed to find this blog post mentioning the dubious Spitzer endorsement. The same post still appears on her web site blog though. I'm not clear that she did expunge him from any place on her web site. She may have, but if she did, I wasn't able to find any specific case where she did so.
Posted by Rob Kiser on March 10, 2008 at 11:13 PM