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March 26, 2008
Read My Lips - I Am A Liar

With Hillary telling non-stop lies in her desperate "Tonya Harding" approach to victory, I felt it might be helpful to attempt to chronicle the lies:
1. Foreign experience boasts of her bullet-dodging trip to Tuzla in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The truth is an 8 year old girl read her a poem on the tarmac, as she stood there with her teenage daughter, Sinbad, and Sheryl Crow.
2. As for Hillary's claim on CNN that "I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland", obviously that's not true. Lord Trimble of Lisnagarvey said "Hillary Clinton had no direct role in bringing peace to Northern Ireland and is a "wee bit silly" for exaggerating the part she played, according to Lord Trimble of Lisnagarvey, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former First Minister of the province."
3. Hillary said she was always against NAFTA, but the truth is she supported it. Hillary helped pass NAFTA in 1993.
4. Hillary has claimed she played a pivotal role in forging the children’s health insurance plan (S-CHIP) when she and Bill actually fought against it and tried to have it killed.
5. Hillary bragged that she was the first to call the disaster in Darfur “genocide� when several other senators had done so in 2004, while her first press statement referring to Darfur as “genocide� wasn’t until March 2006.
6. Hillary said she'd release her income tax returns, but she hasn't and she won't. Why? Because her word means nothing. Obama recently posted 6 years of tax returns on the internet. Clinton buried hers in a tomb in Bosnia.
7. Hillary said that Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center and happened to duck into a coffee shop as the 9/11 attacks occurred, saving her life. Just another fabrication, as it turns out. Even Chelsea admits wasn't true.
8. Hillary claimed she was on the intramural soccer team at her Middle School, and a member of an un-named minority, whom she merely describes as being "not born in this country," said to her "I've always wanted to beat a spoiled white American's ass." Not surprisingly, her school had no such team for females.
9. Hillary claimed that she attempted to join the marines. Another complete and utter fabrication made from whole cloth..
10. Hillary even lied about her own name, claiming she was named after the famous mountain climber, Sir Edmund Hillary. The only problem is that Sir Edmund Hillary reached Mount Everest's summit and became famous in 1953. When Hillary Rodham Clinton was born October 26, 1947, Sir Edmund Hillary was an unknown New Zealand beekeeper and an amateur mountain climber on the other side of the globe. Hillary was nearly 7 when Sir Edmund became famous.
Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar, incapable of telling the truth.
Maybe it's all a ploy. Maybe she's flagrantly lying to draw our attention away from all of the skeletons crammed in her closet, like Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster's "suicide", and her cataclysmic national healthcare debacle.
Update: When Hillary flagrantly lied and claimed they had released all of the documents related to Whitewater, it was such a brash and obvious lie that the White House was forced to acknowledge she had been 'mistaken', leading Times' columnist Bill Safire to label Hillary Clinton as "a congenital liar."
Posted by Rob Kiser on March 26, 2008 at 12:45 PM