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April 07, 2008

Deep Frier Woes

Now that I've been frying chickens and pork chops in a cast iron skillet, I finally decided that I really need to get a better understanding of what to do with the used cooking oil after I finish cleaning up the kitchen. I know that cooking oil goes bad, but what makes it go bad and how long will it last? According to this web site:

"Cooking oil can be reused, although it degrades with each use and will eventually need to be disposed of. To reuse it, filter it through a fine sieve or layers of cheesecloth to remove food bits, then store it in a closed container in a cool, dark place. Apparently you'll know when it's too old or degraded, because it will appear dark and viscous, and smoke when it reaches 190 degrees F or lower. The "dark" aspect seems unmistakable, as would out-and-out rancidity, and I think after putting in some practice you'll recognize an oil that smokes before it should."

They actually indicate that you should take it to a "recycling center". (This is tree-hugger-speak for "throw it away in small containers" for those of you that don't know any different.)

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Posted by Rob Kiser on April 07, 2008 at 08:57 PM

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