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April 24, 2008

Mad Science

I stole this trick from Bill's Idle Mind:

There is a fun trick that amuses children to no end in which you put about a teaspoonful of water in an otherwise empty pop can, and heat it on the stove until you see vapor wafting out the hole in the top. Next to the can, you pre-position a cookie tray with about 1/8 in of cool water in it. When the can is steaming, you take it with a pair of tongs, and quickly invert it onto the cool water. The can will collapse, pretty completely, and quite rapidly.

Jennifer and Allie I tried this today. For us, it sort'a half-worked. The can did collapse, as advertise, but only about halfway. Maybe I need the water in the tray to be colder, or possibly the water in the can to be hotter. Not certain. Also, I'd recommend pulling the pull-tab top off of the can, as when I first tried it, this broke the seal that needs to form between the top of the can and the tray of water. Still a cool trick.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on April 24, 2008 at 04:17 PM

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