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April 28, 2008
Peenie Wallie Gets A New Server :)
Dunno if anyone can tell the difference or not, but I moved Peenie Wallie onto my new server today. It's a pretty slick server; a Dell 1700Mhz Pentium 4 with 256 Megs of RAM. It set me back a grand total of $75.00 for the system, including monitor, keyboard, and mouse. But, the good news is, it seems to be working and it seems to be much faster than the old Pentium 3 600Mhz machine. The old server was so loud that I needed to wear headphones whenever the hard drives were accessed. This new box is silent. Of course, the big question is, "how well will it work with Club Penguin and Webkinz?"
Update: I just ordered a gig of RAM for the box to give it a little more pep.
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Posted by Rob Kiser on April 28, 2008 at 06:49 PM
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I gather the "new server " is a new computer??? Congrats..and where do the rest of us get one for $75.00??? It's always good the see that smile in your writing!
Posted by: sl on April 28, 2008 at 10:28 PM