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June 06, 2008
Epson P-5000
This guy is pretty serious about backing up his photographs. But, you know what they say, 'the generals are always ready to fight the last war'. I think he's had a lot of drives crash, hence his paranoia. I back up all of my photos onto a 1 Terabyte Buffalo TeraStation configured to RAID Level 5. So, if a drive crashes, I can recover by replacing the drive. But, if the house burns, I'm hosed. My thought being that, if my house burns, the loss of my photos will be the least of my concerns.
In any event, he apparently is using one of these little Epson P-5000 gems, which looks way cool. The problem is, of course, when you're shooting in the field and your memory cards are all full. Normally, I carry a laptop for backup, but this is not ideal, as I'm often in an environment that is hazardous to a laptop.
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Posted by Rob Kiser on June 06, 2008 at 11:17 AM
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