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June 07, 2008
Will Hillary Assassinate Obama?
Hillary suspended her campaign today, and is Jonesing to get on the Democratic ticket. Obama would never do this because it would mean that the only thing keeping Hillary from becoming president would be his breathing. As in, if he died, she would become president. He's not dumb enough to put himself between him and a Hillary presidency any longer than necessary.
None-the-less, this is the unfortunate position he finds himself in at this point. I seriously believe that Hillary is plotting Barack Obama's assassination. The reason I say this is because:
1) Hillary has "suspended" her campaign, which means she retains her delegates and she can continue to raise money. It also means she could reopen her campaign if circumstances change before the Denver convention.
2) If Obama stops breathing between now and November, the Democratic nomination would pretty much automatically go to Hillary Clinton.
3) I believe the Clintons were responsible for Vince Foster's death, and possibly others.
I think that Obama is in grave danger from the Clintons and their apparachniks and I doubt he will live to see November.
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Posted by Rob Kiser on June 07, 2008 at 10:09 PM
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