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August 14, 2008

Ignoring The Olympics

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one ignoring the olympics. First of all, I don't care about it. Not a whit. To me, the Olympics are less alluring than the state fair. When I did happen to skip across it on tv, they were playing Badminton for Christ's sake. Badminton! Like...Lord God that's not a sport, any more than say croquet or horseshoes.

When I lived in Dallas, this shyster came to town promoting how he was going to make croquet into a big, legitimate sport and have competitions played in big arenas with a national audience. He suckered all these businesses into giving him barrels of money and then disappeared and everyone was left standing around saying, "A croquet tournament? How in tarnation did we fall for that? "

I'm not saying whether they play horseshoes or croquet in the Olympics. I don't know if they do or don't and it really doesn't matter. There's nothing any gayer than athletes in training all around the planet for years playing badminton.

Aaron, Cindy, and I were musing on this somewhat last night. They were complaining about the uber-gay synchronized diving marathon and I mentioned that beach volleyball isn't a sport. We decided that any "sport" where most people would normally play with a beer in one hand can't be considered a legitimate sport. Downhill skiing, ok. Fair enough. But ping pong? Come on!

Unfortunately, I'm sure getting the Olympic committee to agree to drop the biathalon, ping pong, and badminton would be next to impossible so then I came up with the alternate idea of having the athletes compete in the raw. "Nude Olympics" would certainly draw a bigger audience, at least for women's volleyball. But then, I went home and discovered that someone else had already thought of the Nude Olympics.

C'est la Vie.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on August 14, 2008 at 12:27 PM

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When I lived in Dallas, this shyster came to town promoting how he was going to make croquet into a big, legitimate sport and have competitions played in big arenas with a national audience. He suckered all these businesses into giving him barrels of money and then disappeared and everyone was left standing around saying, "A croquet tournament? How in tarnation did we fall for that? "

So that's why you had to leave Dallas!

Posted by: Robert on August 15, 2008 at 04:16 PM

Unfortunately, I didn't ever get my cut of the deal...

Posted by: Rob Kiser on August 15, 2008 at 05:49 PM

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