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August 11, 2008

Jonathan's Dolphin

My brother just got back from a trip to the Bahamas with sister and her family. Here's a video of him landing a stud bull dolphin which is a quite a beast. Not sure who was on the gaff, but they did a good job of getting a large fish in the boat. Believe you me, when a big fish gets up to the boat, a lot of bad things can happen. I've seen a man's leg after a gaff went through it, and when a big fish spits a hook, there's usually a lot of eyes and faces around.

Update: Apparently, it was Steve's cousin Bobby on the gaff. Jonathan was grumbling that Bobby double-gaffed it, but my thought is that Bobby got it in the boat, and that was a large fish. I'm not sure I'd want to be shoving a steel hook into the side of a 52 pound fish and then have to lift it 3 feet into the air to get it into the boat. I say 'Well done, crew. Good show!'

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Posted by Rob Kiser on August 11, 2008 at 02:13 PM

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According to "YouTube" this video is no longer available

Posted by: Uzi on August 11, 2008 at 08:29 PM

I think it should be working now. It took a while for it to get approved, I think.

Posted by: Rob Kiser on August 11, 2008 at 09:03 PM

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