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December 4, 2009
Pennsylvania Finds Something to Cling to Besides God and Guns
That idiot Obama went out of his way to slam small-town hicks in Pennsylvania on the campaign trail last year. They cling to God and guns and xenophobia because their jobs evaporated, according Obama.
Apparently, some people in the Keystone State didn't take too kindly to his now infamous "Gods and Guns" slur.
"But just below the national political radar, Pennsylvania last month held statewide judicial races in which six of the seven contests on the ballot were won by Republicans."
So it looks like the Pennsylvanians have found something to cling to besides God and Guns - the Republican Party.
Now, he's making a whistlestop tour through the Lehigh Valley (think Allentown, Bethlehem). I hope those people in PA turn out in numbers to show him what they think of Obama's bigoted, racist views of the poor whites in the Keystone state.
Posted by Rob Kiser on December 4, 2009 at 10:02 AM