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February 1, 2010
Obama - The Spell Is Broken
A historical hallmark of "isms" and charismatic movements is to dig deeper when they falter--to insist that the "thing" itself, whether it be Peronism, or socialism, etc., had not been tried but that the leader had been undone by forces that hemmed him in.
It is true to this history that countless voices on the left now want Obama to be Obama. The economic stimulus, the true believers say, had not gone astray, it only needed to be larger; the popular revolt against ObamaCare would subside if and when a new system was put in place.
There had been that magical moment--the campaign of 2008--and the true believers want to return to it. But reality is merciless. The spell is broken.
Posted by Rob Kiser on February 1, 2010 at 8:26 AM