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November 11, 2014
'War of the Roses' Radio Show
These DJ's have a [War of the Roses](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Roses_%28radio_show%29) radio show in Houston where they try to catch people cheating on their significant others. Basically, they get on the air, call up the person that is suspected of cheating, offer them a free dozen roses, and then ask for a name to send them to. Then, the suspicious partner has their deepest fears confirmed live, on the air.
Update: I thought these were real. They're not. These are just voice actors and [the entire stunts are made up](http://gawker.com/5779701/your-favorite-wacky-morning-radio-show-is-a-festival-of-lies). The FCC's rules explicitly require broadcasters to obtain permission to air a call from every participant, and it's highly unlikely that a caught-out cheater would consent to broadcast after learning that he'd just been punk'd.
I had a few suspicions as I listened to the skits, but I just sort of wanted to believe they were real, I think. The things that didn't add up was she always says "we put the flowers and plants in your lobby at work", which seems odd, as not every office has a lobby with plants. Plus, she never got address information on where to send the flowers. No one ever seemed suspicious enough about her motive for giving away a dozen roses.
If this radio show was a real show, people would have caught on eventually. It ran for at least 8 years in Houston. Someone would have answered and said "A free dozen roses? Right...the War of the Roses" and hung up.
Plus, the federal wiretapping laws regarding the recording of conversations without the other person's consent. Texas is a "one party consent" state, regarding wiretapping laws, but the FCC's rules won't allow you to air a recording without their consent. Sucks that they're all fake.
Posted by Rob Kiser on November 11, 2014 at 10:43 AM