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June 12, 2015
Tracking the local rainfall
So, I've been wanting to know how much rainfall we're getting here in the mountains. My guess is that we've gotten about 50" rain so far this year.
You don't hear anything about it on the news, so my assumption is that it doesn't match their agenda.
I found this website, which is nice:
Then, if you go to "View Data" and "List Stations", you get this:
Now, put in your State and County and hit 'Search'. For me, I think the closest stations are:
CO-JF-24 Conifer 4.2 ENE
CO-JF-32 Conifer 3 E
CO-JF-41 Conifer 2 SSE
CO-JF-50 Evergreen 1.2 NNW
Now, click on 'Station Precipitation Summary'. Enter the Station ID, Start Date, End Date, and click Get Summary. So, I put it CO-JF-50 and put in 1/1/2015 - 6/1/2015 and it shows 0.00" so far this year. Great. Ditto for CO-JF-32 and CO-JF-41.
The only one that reports any precipitation at all is CO-JF-24 Conifer 4.2 ENE. It reports 18.61" so far this year, which is absurd. We've had at least 3X that much rain.
Posted by Rob Kiser on June 12, 2015 at 10:16 AM