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July 2, 2016
Preparing to Cross the Great American Desert
Now, I'm doing some last minute preparations to drive across the Great American Desert.
At this point, all of the work has been completed on the KTM. Many thanks to B&B Cycles for their excellent work. The bike has new chain and sprockets. New brakes. New rear tire. New air filter and oil filter. Correct tire pressure.
So, it rides much better than before. I have a much better chance of making it out to Kalifornia thanks to their help.
Now, it's mainly a game of charging ever thing up and copying data off of memory cards. . (Camera. Laptop. GoPro. GPS. Cell phone.)
Also, some re-configuring the Garmin Montana 600 and the Go Pro Hero 4 Black camera the way I want them.
Copying gpx files off of the Garmin Montana 600
1) Launch EasyGPS.
2) Click on "Receive (from GPS)" icon.
3) Click OK.
So, I saved off all of my .gpx tracks as S:\_2016\2016_07_02_GPX\2016_07_02_GPX.gpx
Now, to delete them from my GPX.
So, I went to Track Manager on the GPS, and then deleted each track, one at a time. Slow, and painful.
Now, Trip Computer - 3 bars at bottom - Reset - Reset Trip Data.
There. That worked. Somehow my max speed was 168 mph? Not clear how that happened.
Now, I want to reset the Garmin odometer.Not sure if that worked or not. Seems to be working better now. It's all cleared out and reset and still has my maps. Woohoo.
This is what my route looks like for tomorrow. Basically, take I-70 west to US Highway 6 to Ely, Nevada. Bing says it's 670 miles, roughly. Forecast is rainy and warm until I get to Utah. So, that's going to suck in a big way.
Posted by Rob Kiser on July 2, 2016 at 7:36 PM