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April 26, 2017
Madness on the 5th Floor
In the morning, I get up and prepare to roll into work on the KTM.
Garmin says it's 3.3 miles to work.
From 1532 S Crest Drive to 10920 Wilshire Blvd.
And now, I'm off. You can't know the traffic in Beverly Hills. Just can't know. It's a nightmare.
Now, rolling through traffic. Lane-splitting. Filming it all with my GoPro camera, for the sake
of my beneficiaries, may God have mercy on their souls.
Every red light, I roll to the front of the line and get ready for the next shot of adrenaline.
Nothing is good here. This cannot last. This medieval warrior mentality. A mad rush down
Wilshire Blvd.
This cannot last. I would die out here for sure. If you rode like this every day, you might live a week...a month...maybe a year? But in the long run, you would certainly die. It's insanely dangerous.
Somehow, I make it into the office. Park the bike. Repack the great. Everything is reorganized and stowed on the bike.
Not as windy today.
Now, dressed in my work clothes, sans motorcycle gear, I walk into the elevator and push 5. On the 5th floor, we always have breakfast, and also someone will be able to tell me which floor I should go to today. Every day, a different day.
Today, I get my coffee. They tell me everyone is on the 8th floor, but it's crowded. So 5 of us head up to the 8th floor and it's a nightmare. We're immediately asked to leave.
So now, back down to 5th floor. Talk of a secret room on the 5th floor that's available to us, but locked. So now, down to 5. Knock on the secret door. A hand lets us in. A small conference room with only 3 people in it. Score!
Unpack my gear, and start plugging in all of the electronics. GoPro, Garmin, iPhone, Macbook Air. Boom. And so it begins.
As others come into the room, more extension cords are connected to the existing extension cords, so that a 3rd world sort of power grid emergences that stretches a
I should mention here that I've been getting phone calls from Chapparal Motorsports in San Bernardino, CA. Like...serioulsy? Who needs this? This is like a meth dealer calling his customers asking how they're doing. Now, I have to call Chapparal Motorsports and see what they want. And I know what they want. I'd bet money they've got some Honda Africa Twins on the showroom floor finally, and they're calling all the adrenaline junkies they can find.
Posted by Rob Kiser on April 26, 2017 at 10:55 AM