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October 23, 2017
Route Through Mexico
So, I'm trying to get a handle on how long I'll be in Mexico.
If I take a route something like this (which is my current plan, from a 50,000 foot level), this shows that I'll be riding 3,090 miles. So, at 300 miles a day, that's roughly 10 days. Plus, you throw in a day or two to catch the ferry across, and that gets me to 12 days. So, I'd say that my planned time to be in Mexico is 2 weeks (14 days). I think that that will be my plan, and then, if I want to stay there longer, I'll stay longer.
But, for planning purposes, we'll say I'm going to ride 3,100 miles in 14 days. Should make for a nice, comfortable little sight-seeing trip.
Posted by Rob Kiser on October 23, 2017 at 12:03 AM