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March 9, 2018
Importing Motorcycle
Fill out the following forms:
Documents Description
1 CBP Form 3299 Instructions.docx Instructions for completion of U.S. Customs Form 3299
2 CPB3299.pdf U.S. Customs Form 3299
3 Supplemental Declaraction Instructions.docx Supplemental Declaration Instructions
4 Supplemental Dec.pdf Supplemental Declarations for Unaccompanied Personal and Household Effects
5 POA Instructions.doc Power of Attorney Instructions
6 POA CBP 5291 HHG.pdf Power of Attorney
7 EPA 3520-1 2016.pdf Importation of Motor Vehicles Subject to Federal Air Pollution Regulations
8 DOT HS-7 2016.pdf Delclaration Importation of Motor Vehicles Subject to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Freight is due to leave Lima on 3/10.
Posted by Rob Kiser on March 9, 2018 at 1:28 PM