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September 26, 2018
Trapping Coons Indoors
I'm laying in bed at night, and I can hear the critters coming into the kitchen to snack. They're eating something....dog food, cat food...something. I can hear them down there, in my kitchen, chomping away on something. And it's not my cats, because my cats aren't that loud when they eat.
Finally, I just can't take it any more. I go outside and take down my gamecam. I've had it on the driveway, hoping to get some video of the creatures outside of my house, but now I realize that I've got to bring it indoors, and film the wildlife in my kitchen. Nothing to be proud of, but this is where we are.
Already, I've set the coyote trap in the kitchen, but I haven't caught anything. Whatever this animal is that's sneaking in, he's smart enough to go for the pantry, instead of the live animal trap.
Now, I'm trying to get the gamecam to work, but the batteries are dead. So, I throw them into the battery charger in the kitchen, and put the freshly charged batteries (that were already in the charger) into the gamecam. After I fiddle with the gamecam for a bit - there seems to be some corrosion on the game-cam terminals - I manage to get it working.
Now, I remove the memory card, and copy all of the files off onto one of my home servers. I go through the videos outside to discover deer, bears, etc.
Finally, I set up the gamecam in the kitchen so that I can finally discover what in the world is coming inside my house, loudly eating his meal, and fleeing whenever I race down the stairs with my spotlight in hand.
I'm reasonably sure it's raccoons, but I'm surprised that they're able to escape so quickly and quietly.
Posted by Rob Kiser on September 26, 2018 at 10:45 PM