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November 17, 2018
Archiving iPhoto Photos onto PC Network
Archiving iPhoto Photos onto PC Network
I was surprised to look on my s: drive and not see a folder out there in 2015 for my trip down to Kino Bay. But, what it seems happened is that, I was loading them onto my MacBook Air, and then archiving them onto my s: drive, but not necessarily in a folder that would be easily located in the future, it seems.
Also, searching for the photos on the Windows servers isn't terribly user-friendly. Initially, I searched for Date Taken range of like 11/23/2015 - 12/2/2015.
datetaken: 11/23/2015-12/2/2015
And, it didn't return anything. At all. So, maybe this is a bug with windows? I'm not clear. But if I just searched for photos taken on the date of 11/28/215, then I get some pretty good results. Now, it looks like I've got some work ahead of me to sort out my archived photos from the MacBook Air. So, let's document where all of these 11/28/2015 photos ended up. I think that this will help us to make a path forward from here, so that all of the photos aren't lost for posterity.
It's still searching, but I think that I can safely move forward at this point.
First, let's just list the folders on the s: drive that have photos from this date range, along with row counts. I think that this will give us an idea of how to move forward.
866 items found.
s:\_2017\Seagate_External_Drive_Backup\Photos_Export_Full_09_22_2016| 34 items
s:\_2017\Photos_2016_10122017| 41 items
s:\_2017\iPhoto_Library_Export_10_24_2017| 10 items
s:\_2017\Favorites_10242016-10012017| 11 items
s:\_2017\Cancun_Cabo_Trash| 20 items (10 items x 2 duplicates of each)
s:\_2017\2017_10_24_iPhoto_Archival\Bahia Del Kino| 36 items
s:\_2017\2017_10_24_iPhoto_Archival\2016 Favorties| 84 items
s:\_2017\Seagate_External_Drive_Backup\Photos_Export_Full_09_22_2016| 385 items
s:\_2017\Seagate_External_Drive_Backup\iPhoto\2016_09_22_Complete_iPhoto_Export| 48 items
s:\_2017\Seagate_External_Drive_Backup\2016 Favorites| 96 items (48 items x 2 duplicates of each)
s:\_2016\2016_09_22_Complete_iPhoto_Export| 41 items
s:\_2016\2016_Favorites\| 48 items
s:\_2016\2016_07_02_CF_Memory_Card_2\favorites| 48 items
So, after looking at this some, it seems that the most complete source of photos would be located here:
And then, there are a few other locations to look at favorites, it seems.
s:\_2017\2017_10_24_iPhoto_Archival\Bahia Del Kino| 36 items
s:\_2017\2017_10_24_iPhoto_Archival\2016 Favorties| 84 items
But I don't see any photos before 11/28/2015. I'm not clear why this is.
I know that I took photos on the way down there, certainly immediately before and after crossing the border into Mexico, on 11/26/2015. Where are those photos?
For some reason, my photos start at image number IMG_0001.JPG on 11/28/2015. And I'm just miraculously in Kino Bay, somehow. What happened to the images from Arizona and from where I crossed the border.
So now, I'm doing another search in Windows Explorer on the s:\ drive for datetaken = 11/26/2015.
OK. Now, I'm finding some of the earlier photos from the trip in the following folders.
s:\_2017\Seagate_External_Drive_Backup\2016 Favorites
So, it looks like, worst case scenario, this folder has all of the photos in it.
So, I think what I'll do is break these out, day by day, for the duration of the trip, so that I have all of the original photos stored in a location that makes some sense, and I'll be able to find it when looking for photos from the trip to Kino Bay.
So, basically, what I'll do is create new folders, one for each day of the trip, and copy the photos over into the new folders, so I won't have to do this next time.
The new folders I'll create are:
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_23_2015 Day 1 - Morrison to Salida
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_24_2015 Day 2 - Salida to Chambers, AZ
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_25_2015 Day 3 - Chambers to Gila Bend
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_26_2015 Day 4 - Gila Bend to Caborca
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_27_2015 Day 5 - Caborca to Kino Bay
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_28_2015 Day 6 - Kino Bay
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_29_2015 Day 7 - Kino Bay to San Carlos
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\11_30_2015 Day 8 - San Carlos to Tucson
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\12_01_2015 Day 9 - Tucson to Albuquerque
S:\_2015\2015_Kino_Bay_San_Carlos_Guaymas\12_02_2015 Day 10 - Albuquerque to Conifer
Now, I'll copy the photos into each folder.
Posted by Rob Kiser on November 17, 2018 at 10:10 AM