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April 8, 2019
PeenieWallie Lives!
Well, we finally got Peenie Wallie up and running again.
What happened was that, for some reason, two of my computers TCP/IP cards failed, essentially, simultaneously. My guess is some sort of power surge came in through the ethernet cable. In any event, blew out my TCP/IP cards on a pc downstairs, and my laptop upstairs.
So, I ordered some USB-TCP/IP adapters on Amazon. And, when they came in, I hooked them up to the computers, and got my computers working again. So, all of my PC's were connected, and I could surf the internet, yay.
But, what I failed to grasp was that it changed the IP address of these computers, and the one upstairs now had a new IP address, but I didn't update the port forwarding in the router to route incoming requests to the Peenie Wallie server (upstairs laptop) to use the new IP address.
So, Robert came up and helped me get it all sorted out and, for now, at least, Peenie Wallie lives. :)
Posted by Rob Kiser on April 8, 2019 at 8:31 PM
Peeniewallie status page:
If you create a DNS CNAME record pointing to stats.uptimerobot.com , it should create a custom status page URL, stats.peeniewallie.com , which is easier to remember than stats.uptimerobot.com/oOXoNc9vx
Note that the free version of Uptime Robot polls every five minutes. So any outages shorter than five minutes that occur between the polling intervals won't be recorded.
Posted by: robert on April 25, 2019 at 4:37 AM